Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 06- a picture of a person you would love to trade places with for a day

Yes, Homer. I would LOVE to trade places with this wonderful man for a day. Just, you know, to see what its like to be a potentially blind Greek poet living in, like, the first century. Who wouldn't want that? No, actually I think I would enjoy the fact that he would come and see what it's like to be a teen girl in the 21st century having to read his books. Maybe in that day, I could convince his friends to tell him to stop writing. It would spare many a young person from suffering through his Odyssey thousands of years later. Just kidding, I know they are priceless works of art and history, and they help us right now, I don't really like him. Also, I feel as if there's something quite endearing about the little hairdo and sheet-type thing draped over his shoulders.

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